While there was a potential for healthcare providers to help domestic violence victims access health-related services, there was no clear path for doing so. To that end, Next Door Solutions (NDS) partnered with MayView Community Health Center to develop a step-by-step program which healthcare agencies could adopt to care for victims who seek help.
The goal of the NDS and MayView’s Domestic Violence and Healthcare Tool Kit was to be the archetype other DV agencies and healthcare organizations follow to form partnerships. NDS sought out A. Virga Design to create their Tool Kit booklet.
The challenge was since this project was the result of a collaborative effort between NDS and MayView, the Tool Kit needed to simultaneously reflect both partners while remaining brand neutral. Additionally, NDS asked for a timeline graphic to be designed and integrated into the Tool Kit as a visual aid for readers.
The resulting 28-page piece exceeded both organization’s expectations.
We chose a stepping stone concept to underscore the Tool Kit’s “step-by-step” process and selected high-quality supporting stock photography to carry the theme throughout the booklet. A tertiary color palette was created, as well as incorporating unique fonts, to complement and bridge the gap between each organization’s established branding. The resulting 28-page piece exceeded both organization’s expectations and has provided the additional benefit of elevating Next Door Solutions’ identity. NDS is currently creating an interactive online Tool Kit that will stay consistent with the look and feel of the commercially printed booklet.